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With This Ring.jpg

A 2-act musical that presents the tale of Fred and Sarah's rocky marriage--as told by 3 couples who all know different pieces of the story.  Imagine a song cycle presented by 6 unreliable, occasionally squabbling narrators.


File this one under Coming Soon.  I am working with Sam Steere to complete all the songs and couldn't be more excited. A selection of demo recordings from Act I can be sampled below.

Book and Lyrics by Michael Kaplan

Music by Sam Steere & Michael Kaplan

Sam and I were thrilled to have one of our songs performed at the New Works Cabaret on Sept 30, 2023 at Theatre Arlington in Arlington, Texas.  The entire evening was under the inspired direction and creative vision of Rebecca Lowrey, and Ms. Jessica Humphrey simply knocked it out of the park!

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